Please be aware, that crystal healing or energy work are NOT to be used to substitute medical attention. For any medical/health issue, please always consult a doctor/your own GP.
Crystals can be used to compliment medical treatment but NEVER in place of.
Any claims made by Zenology Boutique in regards to crystals healing properties are a guideline and come from research and personal experience. But please be aware that crystals can work slightly differently for everyone & your personal energy.
Some crystals will connect more to you and your energy, therefore having a stronger healing effect, whereas others may not experience the same as you. Please note this is extremely normal.
You may not experience all of the healing mentioned for each individual crystal, again remember this is a guideline, each crystal hold a number of healing properties generally.
Crystals are used as part of a spiritual, holistic & energy healing regime, but there is no guarantee that you will definitely experience all of the healing associated with every crystal.
Remember to choose what you are drawn to, crystals can tell you what healing you need.